if you need the package source code,Please see the end of article.
Source Code:
//Author : LearningPen
//Date : 2014/9/29
//Language : C++
//Tool : Dev C++
//MyBlog :http://learningpen.blogspot.com/
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void Input( void );
void WriteFile( void );
void Search( void );
void Output( void );
void gotoxy( int x, int y );
void textcolor( int color );
void Menu( void );
struct date
int month;
int day;
int year;
struct account
int number;
char name[ 100 ];
int acct_no; //account number
float mobile_no;
char street[ 100 ];
char city[ 100 ];
char acct_type;
float oldbalance;
float newbalance;
float payment;
struct date lastpayment;
int main( void )
int choice;
//int num= 0;
system( "cls" );
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 12 );
cout<< "Enter your choice(0- 2): ";
cin>> choice;
switch( choice )
case 1:
if( customer.payment > 0 )
customer.acct_type= ( customer.payment<
0.1* customer.oldbalance ) ? 'O' : 'D';
customer.acct_type= ( customer.oldbalance> 0) ?
'D' : 'C';
customer.newbalance= customer.oldbalance- customer.payment;
main(); //goto main()...
case 2:
main(); //goto main().........
case 0:
gotoxy( 24, 16 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "Thank you for using.";
gotoxy( 24, 17 );
cout<< "Welcome to My Blog:http://learningpen.blogspot.com/";
textcolor( 14 );
Sleep( 1000 ); //wait a second
exit( 1 );
return 0;
//------------------function ------
void gotoxy( int x, int y )
COORD pos= { 0, 0 };
HANDLE handle= GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
pos.X= x;
pos.Y= y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition( handle, pos );
return ;
void textcolor( int color )
HANDLE handle= GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( handle, color );
return ;
void Menu( void )
gotoxy( 18, 4 );
gotoxy( 18, 5 );
cout<< "-----------------------------------";
gotoxy( 24, 7 );
cout<< "1.) Add account on list ";
gotoxy( 24, 8 );
cout<< "2.) Search customer account ";
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "0.) Exit ";
gotoxy( 18, 11 );
cout<< "-----------------------------------";
return ;
void Input( void )
int SizeLength, TotalSize, TotalLength;
FILE *fp= fopen( "Bill.dat", "rb" );
if( NULL== fp )
system( "cls" );
cout<< "Cannot open file!!";
exit( 1 );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
SizeLength= ftell( fp );
TotalLength= sizeof( customer );
TotalSize= SizeLength/ TotalLength;
fseek( fp, ( TotalSize- 1)* SizeLength, SEEK_END );
fread( &customer, sizeof( customer ), 1, fp );
system( "cls" );
gotoxy( 18, 3 );
gotoxy( 24, 4 );
cout<< "Appending........";
gotoxy( 20, 7 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "Customer No: "<< customer.number;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "Account number: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> customer.acct_no;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 10 );
cout<< "Name: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> customer.name;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 11 );
cout<< "Mobile No: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> customer.mobile_no;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 12 );
cout<< "Street: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> customer.street ;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 13 );
cout<< "City: ";
textcolor( 12 );
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 14 );
cout<< "Precvious balance: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> customer.oldbalance;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 15 );
cout<< "Current payment: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> customer.payment;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 16 );
cout<< "Payment date( dd mm yy ): ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> customer.lastpayment.day>> customer.lastpayment.month>> customer.lastpayment.year;
textcolor( 14 );
return ;
void WriteFile( void )
FILE *fp;
fp= fopen( "Bill.dat", "ab" );
fwrite( &customer, sizeof( customer ), 1, fp );
fclose( fp );
return ;
void Search( void )
FILE *fp;
int TotalSize, TotalLength, SizeLength;
int choice;
int num;
char name[ 100 ];
int n;
int flag= 0;
fp= fopen( "Bill.dat", "rb" );
if( NULL== fp )
system( "cls" );
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 11 );
exit( 1 );
system( "cls" );
gotoxy( 18, 2 );
gotoxy( 24, 4 );
cout<< "1.) Search by customer numuber ";
gotoxy( 24, 5 );
cout<< "2.) Search by customer name ";
gotoxy( 24, 7 );
cout<< "Enter your choice(1/ 2): ";
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "Searching...........";
switch( choice )
case 1:
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
TotalLength= ftell( fp );
SizeLength= sizeof( customer );
TotalLength= TotalLength/ SizeLength;
gotoxy( 24, 11 );
cout<< "Enter customer number: ";
cin>> num;
if( num<= 0 && num> TotalSize )
gotoxy( 24, 13 );
cout<< "Please,Enter correct!!!";
fseek( fp, ( num- 1 )* SizeLength, SEEK_SET );
fread( &customer, SizeLength, 1, fp );
Output(); // printing
case 2:
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
TotalLength= ftell( fp );
SizeLength= sizeof( customer );
TotalSize= TotalLength/ SizeLength;
fseek( fp, ( TotalSize- 1 )* SizeLength, SEEK_SET );
fread( &customer, sizeof( customer), 1, fp );
n= customer.number;
gotoxy( 24, 11 );
cout<< "Enter the name: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> name;
textcolor( 14 );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
for( int i= 0; i<= n; i++ )
fread( &customer, sizeof( customer), 1, fp );
if( strcmp( customer.name, name )== 0 )
Output(); // If found, the print
flag= 1;
if( flag== 0 )
gotoxy( 24, 13 );
textcolor( 14 );
cout<< "Not Found!!";
textcolor( 12 );
gotoxy( 24, 15 );
cout<< "Press any key to continue.";
fclose( fp );
return ;
void Output( void )
system( "cls" );
gotoxy( 15, 2 );
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 18, 4 );
cout<< "Showing...........";
gotoxy( 18, 6 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "Customer No: ";
cout<< customer.number;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 7 );
cout<< "Name:";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.name;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 8 );
cout<< "Mobile No: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.mobile_no;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "Account number: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.acct_no;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 10 );
cout<< "Street: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.street;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 11 );
cout<<"City: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.city;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 12 );
cout<< "Old balance: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.oldbalance ;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 13 );
cout<< "Current Payment: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.payment;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 14 );
cout<< "New balance: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.newbalance;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 15 );
cout<< "Payment date: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< customer.lastpayment.year
<< "/"<< customer.lastpayment.month<< "/"<<customer.lastpayment.day;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 16 );
cout<< "Account status: ";
textcolor( 12 );
switch( customer.acct_type )
case 'C':
cout<< "CURRENT";
case 'O':
cout<< "OVERDUE";
case 'D':
cout<< "DELINQUENT";
cout<< "ERROR";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 20 );
cout<< "Press any key continue.";
return ;
Package Source link:Here
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