//----------about me------------------
//Author : Learning Pen
//MyBlog :
//Language : C++
//Tool : Dev C++
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h> //for getch()
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
static int num= 0; //count buses number
//==== Declare Function===
void Menu( void );
void gotoxy( int x, int y );
void textcolor( int color );
int SeatNum( class Bus *p );
//====Class Bus===========
class Bus
char busno[ 5 ]; //bus number
char driver[ 10 ];
char arrival[ 5 ]; // arrival time
char from[ 10 ]; // starting point
char to[ 10 ]; // destination
char seat[ 32 ][20]; //....??
void install( void );
void allotment( void );
void empty( void );
void show( void );
}bus[ 10 ];
void Bus::install( void )
system( "cls" );
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 16, 3 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "★★★★BUS RESERVATION SYSTEM★★★★";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 20, 5 );
textcolor( 10 );
cout<< "Register-->";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 6 );
cout<< "Enter bus no: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> bus[ num ].busno;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 7 );
cout<< "Enter driver`s name: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> bus[ num ].driver;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 8 );
cout<< "Arrival time: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> bus[ num ].arrival;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "From: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> bus[ num ].from;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 10 );
cout<< "To: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> bus[ num ].to;
textcolor( 14 );
bus[ num ].empty(); //Assignment bus[num]= "empty".
gotoxy( 24, 12 );
cout<< "Press any key to continue.";
void Bus::empty()
for( int i= 0; i< 32; i++ )
strcpy( bus[ num ].seat[ i ], "empty" );
// system( "cls" );
// for( int i =0; i< 32; i++ )
// {
// cout<< i<< bus[ num ].seat[ i ]<< std::endl;
// }
// getch();
return ;
void Bus::allotment( void )
char number[ 5 ]; //buses number
int seatnumber;
system( "cls" );
gotoxy( 16, 3 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "★★★★BUS RESERVATION SYSTEM★★★★";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 20, 5 );
textcolor( 10 );
cout<< "Reservation--> ";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 6 );
cout<< "Select a bus number: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> number;
textcolor( 14 );
int i;
for( i= 0; i<= num; i++ )
if( strcmp( bus[ i ].busno, number )== 0 )
if( i<= num )
gotoxy( 24, 8 );
cout<< "OK, Select seat number(0 - 31): ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> seatnumber;
textcolor( 14 );
if( strcmp( bus[ i ].seat[ seatnumber ], "empty" )== 0 )
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "Enter your name: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> bus[ i ].seat[ seatnumber ];
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 10 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "The SeatNum no is already Reserved.!!";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
textcolor( 13 );
cout<< "Please,Enter correct bus no.!!";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 12 );
cout<< "Press any key to continue.";
return ;
void Bus::show( void )
char number[ 5 ];
system( "cls" );
gotoxy( 16, 3 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "★★★★BUS RESERVATION SYSTEM★★★★";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 20, 5 );
textcolor( 10 );
cout<< "Showing--> ";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 6 );
cout<< "Enter bus no: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cin>> number;
textcolor( 14 );
int i;
for( i= 0; i<= num; i++ )
if( strcmp( bus[ i ].busno, number)== 0 )
if( i<= num )
gotoxy( 24, 7 );
cout<< "Bus no: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< bus[ i ].busno;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 8 );
cout<< "Driver: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< bus[ i ].driver;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "Arrival time: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< bus[ i ].arrival;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 10 );
cout<< "From: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< bus[ i ].from;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 11 );
cout<< "To: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< bus[ i ].to;
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 12 );
cout<< "Number of available seats: ";
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< SeatNum( &bus[ i ] ); //return number of available seats.
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 10 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "Please Enter correct bus no!";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy(24, 14 );
cout<< "Press any key continue.";
return ;
//====Main Function=======
int main( void )
int choice;
gotoxy( 24, 12 );
cout<<"Enter your choice(1- 4): ";
cin>> choice;
switch( choice )
case 1:
bus[ num ].install();
case 2:
bus[ num ].allotment();
case 3:
bus[ 0 ].show();
case 4:
char exiting[]= "Exiting......";
gotoxy( 24, 15 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "Thank you for using.";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 18 );
for( int i= 0; i< strlen( exiting ); i++ )
cout<< exiting[ i ];
Sleep( 100 );
}while( choice>= 1 && choice< 4 );
return 0;
//=====Function Define =====
void Menu( void )
system( "cls" );
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 16, 3 );
textcolor( 12 );
cout<< "★★★★BUS RESERVATION SYSTEM★★★★";
textcolor( 14 );
gotoxy( 24, 6 );
cout<< "1.) Bus register";
gotoxy( 24, 7 );
cout<< "2.) Reservation seat";
gotoxy( 24, 8 );
cout<< "3.) Show";
gotoxy( 24, 9 );
cout<< "4.) Exit";
return ;
void gotoxy( int x, int y )
COORD pos= { 0, 0 };
HANDLE handle= GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
pos.X= x;
pos.Y= y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition( handle, pos );
return ;
void textcolor( int color )
HANDLE handle= GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( handle, color );
return ;
int SeatNum( class Bus *p )
int count= 0;
for( int i= 0; i< 32; i++ )
if( strcmp( p->seat[ i], "empty" )== 0 )
return count;
From Kathmandu and pokahra to Go to the Gorkha there are possible direct bus.Bus from Bandipur and Chitwan there is not direct Bus.Gorkha, a historical town of the Nepal, recommended by the Trip advisor and lonely planet.
ReplyDeleteKathmandu to Gorkha Bus morning day Bus to the Delhi from Kathmandu Nepal.Kathmandu to Gorkha has a deluxe Bus, mini bus and micro Bus.There are other Buses from different parts of the Nepal to Gorkha. Such as Chitwan Saurha to Gorkha, Bandiur to Gorkha and pokhara to Gorkha. For details qKBke6w#
Pokhara to Gorkha Bus
Bandipur to Gorkha Bus
Chitwan to Gorkha Bus
Nareshwor home staysimilarly we have bus service to Delhi from Kathmandu. Book Delhi Bus.
Kathamndu to Delhi Bus